• If he started making these legislators cancel vacations they’d be a whole lot more pliable.

    Would they? I have seen zero evidence to suggest that.

    Hell, when people told Bernie it was impossible to get a minimum wage increase through congress he gave speeches outside Amazon and Disney, and that act led to a living wage increase (at the time) for more than 200,000 people.

    That’s an apples-to-oranges comparison. You’re talking about a legislator putting enough attention on private companies that they chose to raise their minimum wage because it became good PR. That’s completely different than an executive trying to pressure legislators into doing something when their voters elected them specifically to always do the opposite of what said executive wants.

    • That’s an apples-to-oranges comparison. You’re talking about a legislator putting enough attention on private companies that they chose to raise their minimum wage because it became good PR. That’s completely different than an executive trying to pressure legislators into doing something when their voters elected them specifically to always do the opposite of what said executive wants.

      100% why I wish people would have voted Bernie. His EO’s alone would have moved us further forward than any president since LBJ. Instead we got another corrupt, incoherent old man who doesn’t care about much of anything beyond keeping his son out of prison and finding shiny new ways to funnel public money to warmongers.

      But, the real point here is: it doesn’t matter that you have a bully pulpit if you have no intention of using it.