• Development wise i think mod tools are far more important

    As a user who has literally never seen a post that needed any moderation… I’m struggling to see how that’s more important. Clearly the moderation tools are good enough right now, because the moderators are able to do their job very well with whatever tools they have.

    Basic stuff, like reading content, is totally broken right now. Large numbers of comments (millions maybe?) which should be visible, are not visible. That’s clearly more important. I hope Beehaw waits a week or three before deploying the next version incase it’s even worse.

    • Two big instances were defederated by Beehaw recently because there were no sufficient tools to deal with problematic users. For detailed information have a look at the announcement.


      … [the] unfortunate reality we’ve also found is we just don’t have the tools or the time here to parse out all the good from all the bad. all we have is a nuke and some pretty rudimentary mod powers that don’t scale well. …

      In case you want to see pre-moderated contet you can look at the mod log. I read a couple of pages some weeks ago. Besides a good amount of technical stuff like double posts, there was a lot of racist, trans-/homophobe content and general insults. What we see is the result of plenty of work done with insuffient tools. Keep in mind Lemmy is still 0.xx.