Howdy! After the success of last week’s discussion thread, I figured we should keep going. Feel free to comment below with anything and everything money related that is better suited to a conversation or a quick question and answer than a full post. Some ideas include:

  • Journaling about an ongoing job search
  • Asking for ideas about how to manage an emergency fund
  • Logging recent stock trades
  • Talking about the impact of inflation on your budget
  • Your plans for maximizing the rewards on a credit card

Again, those are just suggestions, if there’s really anything you’d like to talk about related to finance in your life, feel free to put it here.

  •  Witch   ( ) 
    31 year ago

    Thinking of signing my mom and I up for a free debt counseling program and trying to reduce the amount we pay each much. I’m not sure how much it’ll help, but I figure if I get this done out of the way quickly, any damage to our credit might be recovered by the time we have to move.

    Job searching still hasn’t been going well. My first ever job interview got rescheduled for Thursday and I feel like I might be getting too burnt out to do it. It was like all my energy was placed into getting ready for it, and now I’m just tired.

    On the bright side, I’m getting a not-zero sum of money in the form of government refunds. Might be able to get some glasses and get a week of something like Meals on Wheels so that we can relax for the first time in months, and still have enough to start up a savings fund.

    • Oooh debt is tricky, I should probably steal borrow some of the resources about dealing with debt from the finance communities on reddit and put them in the sidebar. I hope that if you decide to go through with the consolidation process it works well for you, and if not I hope you can still get a good handle on things moving forward.

      I don’t have any job advice, but I agree that it is super draining. I changed jobs last year and it was a lot of searching intensely for a while, seeing some things start to progress, then opportunities not working out and needing to rest after. Best of luck on having a more straightforward path, but either way I’ll keep these threads up so you can share if you think that’s helpful.