What are your most liked alias for long commands or just to give them better names.

Mine are:

alias load="source .load.sh"
alias eload="$EDITOR .load.sh"
alias gpush="git push"
alias gadd="git add --all"
alias gcommit="git commit -m "
alias gst="git status -s"
alias gpull="git pull"
  • alias fuck='sudo $(history -p \!\!)'
    alias hstat='curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '\''%{http_code}\n'\'''
    alias ls='ls -la --color=auto'
    alias pwgen='< /dev/urandom tr -dc "_A-Z-a-z-0-9\#\+=\$" | head -c${1:-15};echo;'

    And a function

    function weather() {
      ( IFS=+; curl wttr.in/$(curl -s http://ipwho.is/ | jq .postal););