And here again we see the bizarre confusion between the Caduceus and the rod of Asclepius. The one with two snakes (and wings) is traditionally representative of commerce, representing Hermès/mercury. The one for medicine traditionally has the one snake and no wings - symbol of the Greek god Asclepius, the healer.
I see this a lot in representations from the USA - is that the case here ? If so, it seems rather sadly appropriate given the state of US-American healthcare.
And here again we see the bizarre confusion between the Caduceus and the rod of Asclepius. The one with two snakes (and wings) is traditionally representative of commerce, representing Hermès/mercury. The one for medicine traditionally has the one snake and no wings - symbol of the Greek god Asclepius, the healer.
I see this a lot in representations from the USA - is that the case here ? If so, it seems rather sadly appropriate given the state of US-American healthcare.
salut ! that’s so nerdy but i like it!