I use twitter and I really like the furry art community on there. I also like Mastodon or related ActivityPub services.

Due to recent events lots of people search for alternatives and I feel just very frustrated see all those artists looking for Zucks Threads or Jacks Bluesky when Mastodon is right there, without a chance of a twitter situation ever happening again. They seem to avoid Mastodon like cats avoiding water.
What have we done wrong, and how can we make it better.

  • I’m not sure if this is a deliberate plan, or just a “happy” (for Apple, etc.) side effect.

    Most technology, especially consumer technology, gets easier to use as it matures. Ease of use becomes a selling point. Look at automatic vs. manual transmissions in cars.

    There may be a deliberate effort to make the public less educated in these areas, but I don’t think that’s a major reason.