• There is no reasonable rational analysis where Joe Biden is a fascist lol. He’s a neoliberal and I think he sucks, and I truly wish for a different candidate for the Democratic Party. But there is no comparison there between him and the other guy. Not even the same stratosphere.

    I think the world’s nation-states are widely adopting the “lesser-evil” faux-choice strategy these days. This is by design

    Politics has been an exercise in finding compromise from day 1, thousands of years ago. Any, ANY, system of politics that could reasonably exist, will result in candidates that huge percentages of the country aren’t happy about. Now, I would LOVE any ranked voting method for this country to minimize this effect. We definitely don’t have an amazing system of politics. But “this is by design” is literally untrue unless you believe in some weird conspiracy thing. The US constitution is mega old, most of it’s failures are related to that, imo.