• That’s not what I’m talking about. The problem is more that there is a shrinking labor force as birth rates fall, while at the same time longer lifespans mean a larger number of retired people. Countries like the US are currently in a privileged position of being able to fill gaps in the labor force. That said, for the sake of the countries that are experiencing migration, I hope this does not remain constant. A constant outflow of the most able people really hollows out an economy.

    •  Manmoth   ( @Manmoth@lemmy.ml ) 
      21 year ago

      Endless immigration is a net-negative for regular people. It’s only a privilege for big agriculture, construction, rich people with maids etc The US is propped up by an endless flow of uneducated, low skill workers driving prices (and by proxy) wages down. It’s not a sustainable model. We should instead be providing incentives for actual citizens to start families and have children.