/r/programming came back up two days ago and as far as I can tell everything relating to the blackout was wiped. I kinda expected it since spez was admin.

Another thing that surprised me was how much chatGPT bot spam there is (danm it is so so bad, wonder what the mods are doing over there… ah yes, spez).

I used to sort by hot so it was hidden away a bit for me before.

Anyways I hope Lemmy does not fall into the same pitfalls!

goes back into lurk mode

  • We must prevent these kinds of bots on getting a foothold here.

    I acknowledge that we do have bots here [lemmy], reposting top posts from reddit. As we grow in number. We must also scale down these bots until the day that only moderating related bots are existing in our ecosystem.

          • They want high valued accounts, karma is just one measure of that. Removing the karma from accounts does not remove the value of those accounts. Just changes what metrics are used to judge value. So there is still an incentive to create bots that try to create valued accounts even if those accounts are not actually creating valued content. The only question is what will businesses see as a valued account.

            Though I do think removing karma is a positive as it forcing them to work a bit harder.

    • There already is some ChatGPT bot and I see people bringing it into threads sometimes. I downvote almost every person who does so, as I’ve yet to see a single case where it was actually asked for or meaningfully contributed.

      I want more communities to have rules against unsolicited AI comments and for them to better enforce them (one of the cases I’m referring to was in a community that already had a rule against AI comments, but the comment had still been up for a while and had been upvoted).