• we can whine about how we didn’t do the right thing before now all we want, but we live in the world of today, and the solution, or at least part of it, must be to keep the actual fascists from doing actual fascism. we have to do more, electoral politics isn’t gonna save us, but genuinely it makes me really mad when people get all doomer about this shit. most people used to be serfs. a hundred years ago children were working in coal mines. progress can be made. progress against capitalists can be made. and if voting didn’t matter businesses wouldn’t be pouring money into politics, republicans wouldn’t be trying their best to stop people from turning up.

    •  Didros   ( @Didros@beehaw.org ) 
      12 years ago

      While I agree that “being all doomer” isn’t exactly helpful, I want to point out that voting democrats in hasn’t been exactly helpful either. Child labor has been happening in America this ENTIRE time, it has just only been legal in the agricultural space. But I had a job before it was legal using a family members social security number, and we were almost middle class.

      There are a LOT of problems with our current system. I just feel like continuing to elect the only two parties that got us here is a bad plan.

      • I want to point out that voting democrats in hasn’t been exactly helpful either. […] There are a LOT of problems with our current system. I just feel like continuing to elect the only two parties that got us here is a bad plan.

        as always, if you want this to be different in a way that isn’t going to throw everything to the hardest right politicians (who incidentally are making a full-court press to make child labor legal again) you’ll need to start with voting reform. i would encourage you to formally get involved with an organization like Fairvote to this end.

        •  Didros   ( @Didros@beehaw.org ) 
          12 years ago

          While I do agree that my doomer additude isn’t helpful, I don’t think anything can change. And I also don’t want to sacrifice my life to the cause. People who go against this system end up dead if they are lucky. I’m fine to just complain online.

          I think a third political party that simply ran on always voting no to anything other than clean budgets and debt ceiling hikes would 100% win in the minds of the people. But it wouldn’t take much for tge system to distort and twist even that incredibly basic platform.

          I don’t believe a third party will ever be allowed to become viable in this country. I hate it, but that won’t change it because there is too much “capital” in this for human lives to outweigh it. That is our countries values. Who am I to say that isn’t what the majority want?

          •  JuBe   ( @JuBe@beehaw.org ) 
            12 years ago

            The reason third parties don’t succeed is because they are often vanity projects with little work done in the “off-season.” For example, the Green Party: sucks thousands of votes away during presidential elections, but is yet to have elected a single person to the House of Representatives.

            If you’re squeamish about supporting an individual candidate, at least get involved in voter protection efforts.