Maybe what I’m looking for is the holy grail, but what do you guys suggest as a Distro with a good balance between stability and up-to-date packages?
Maybe what I’m looking for is the holy grail, but what do you guys suggest as a Distro with a good balance between stability and up-to-date packages?
They did mention stable, which is not something Manjaro can claim in my experience. They tend to hold back packages in the name of stability but it causes problems when using the AUR sometimes.
@CrescentMadeJr @Sleep4288 isn’t the AUR a use at your own risk proposition? The manjaro system is stable if you use the manjaro packages, using the AUR means you are adding variables of potential instability yourself, and if you don’t take it upon yourself to mitigate them, the instability is your fault not theirs.
I’m always confused by this statement. It seems to conflict with the other common statement about AUR being the reason to use an Arch based distro.
How can both be true?
Yes. But it’s really what makes using an Arch based distro worth while. You can’t use Manjaro without it because not all software one would require or want to use is on the Manjaro repos.
“Manjaro is not stable because it ensures no breaking updates are pushed to users” is such a weird statement to make.
That would be a weird statement to make. But that’s not really what I said. At all.
Pretty sure all they do is.simple syncing their repos with arch Linux in a interval of 2 weeks