When an app asks for permissions, the OS should not only let you answer yes or no. Every category should have a "yes, but feed the app fake data" option.
Want my contacts for no reason? Have these generated fake ones! Wanna listen to my microphone? Here's random ambiance sounds! Location? I'm on a tiny 5x5m island!
Hell yeah! Put it all in your databases mfers!
Actively punishing services wins over boycotts any day. Didn't want that junk in the database? Don't ask for it!
This is the way (non-ironic, non-meme statement). We are beyond being able to preserve privacy, the best we can do is feed them shit until they are no longer able to discern user data from complete garbage. Drown all the tracking data in a sea of irrelevant garbage. Make the algoritmh think you’re an 11 year old PhD from Sentinel Island with a penchant for nordic paganism, that revels in discovering post-jazz and regularly eats fajitas at a cozy little place in Antarctica.
This is the way (non-ironic, non-meme statement). We are beyond being able to preserve privacy, the best we can do is feed them shit until they are no longer able to discern user data from complete garbage. Drown all the tracking data in a sea of irrelevant garbage. Make the algoritmh think you’re an 11 year old PhD from Sentinel Island with a penchant for nordic paganism, that revels in discovering post-jazz and regularly eats fajitas at a cozy little place in Antarctica.
You made me laugh! 😁