I think they are leaving out something quite important in this blog post - nobody is using their real names here.

It’s very different from Meta or Google or whatever big tech company people have accounts on, where they know your real name and many more details, such as phone number and address.

I don’t see the privacy danger in someone sweeping up what we are talking about here, since we are pseudo anonymous. Am I missing something?

Whats the value of random aliases discussing something and why is that a privacy issue?

  • I mean, pseudonymous ≠ unlinkable. In fact, it’s relatively trivial to link writing styles, even if you did go to a consistent and reliable effort, over a period of years, to not accidentally post anything identifiable …

    Sharing the same thing multiple places, contemporaneously. Mentioning the same event. Offering similar, complex opinions, with only slightly different wording.

    It’s not necessarily a huge concern for the average Netizen; but then again, none of the mentioned things are? Privacy discussions are rarely conducted for the “average person,” they’re arranged around the needs and threat-models of marginalized and targeted folks. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Anyway. I’ve no huge horse in this race; I’ve the privilege of using, and enjoying, Mastodon under my real, legal name; but I also don’t think the writer’s points are “FUD,” as another commenter put it.