With the latest release of Solus, I feel I should ask. I have had my eye on this particular distro for some time now. I even did a test installation about two years ago, but it didn’t feel as complete as I needed it to be.

I am looking for a solid, beginner-friendly rolling Linux distribution for general use. Multimedia, gaming, coding etc. Do you recommend Solus? If so, why? Why not? Looking forward to your thoughts.

  •  nlm   ( @nlm@beehaw.org ) 
    11 year ago

    Tumbleweed is awesome! It’s really stable and polished while being rolling so you’ll get the latest and greatest.

    I’ve just recently landed there myself (though I’ve liked Tumbleweed for a long time) in am attempt to see how long I can go without needing Windows. So far it’s getting great.

    If you have an nvidia card you’ll have to install the drivers yourself but it’s not hard.
