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A 17-year-old from Nebraska and her mother are facing criminal charges including performing an illegal abortion and concealing a dead body after police obtained the pair’s private chat history from Facebook, court documents published by Motherboard show.

  • Aside from any moral or political views, it amuses me when people do criminal acts and fail to realize police can inspect personal data like text messages, email, and social media. I think people smart enough to realize that are smart enough to avoid committing a crime in the first place. Though there are smart criminals that get away with it, you just don’t hear about them because they don’t get caught. In any case I tend to think being stupid is prerequisite to being a criminal.

      • What? They had 20 weeks to do this properly with medical supervision but waited to do shit until week 28 of pregnancy, then most importantly broke rule #1: Don’t talk to the fucking police. They admitted to the police that they planned it using FB messenger. Whether the police got the DMs isn’t as relevant as the fact that when they were questioned they admitted it.

          • The victim in question openly stated they wanted an abortion at 28 weeks so they could wear jeans again.

            Please stop using the phrase “victim blaming” to abrogate the necessity for critical thought.

            This isn’t some “she shouldn’t have dressed like a slut” situation.

            At some point people need to be held accountable to some absolute minimum level of personal responsibility.

            • Let’s be honest here.

              How long do you think that child would last being parented by someone who wanted their child aborted so they could wear their jeans again.

              Abortions should be easily available to any and all women, in every state.

              I don’t agree with their decision making length, but if abortion wasnt such a fucking touchy subject, the woman probably would have done so as soon as she found out.

              Her body, her choice.

              Men and politics need to get the fuck out of the way.