Seems we haven’t reached the bottom of the pile yet…

  • This is a serious question: I realize there are only political solutions (impeachment) to the Clarence Thomas problem, which can’t occur in the current political climate, but aren’t there Department of Justice solutions to the Billionaires that are bribing Supreme Court Justices?

      • It’s corruption at every level. Like, people keep talking about whatever stupid thing the toxic clowns of the Republican party are doing. The whole point is to ensure no effective laws are passed. It is not about the clown politics it is about maintaining the insignificant tiny set of laws and protections in the USA. The US has a tenth of the laws present in any western country. This is the whole point. Keep the laws ineffective and inadequate to exploit every possible person and loophole by any means necessary. The only thing that matters is controlling the conversation and holding the government hostage to a constant ddos attack. If anything gets deregulated or changed for the worse it is just a bonus side effect for the parasitic billionaires.