• This makes me so sad. The movie was really great, I loved every part of it and am even looking forward to watching it again when it comes out at home. It’s unfortunate that marketing dropped the ball so badly.

    It’s kind of obvious focusing on the love story is the wrong angle here, what really resonated with me is the city, the amazing animation and the underlying message about finding yourself, the sacrifices of immigrant families and the love of a parent towards their child over their own dreams.

    What a shame that execs had to ruin what was a really good work of art with a misguided and confused marketing campaign.

    • Interesting. I’m glad I came across your comment.

      I usually like Pixar, but I haven’t seen the movie. From the commercials, I thought it looked like a boring, generic, fish-out-of-water/“opposites attract” type story that’s tired, unoriginal, and overdone. Sure, it would be animated well, because Pixar, but ugh. No thanks.

      It’s good to know that the movie is better than the marketing suggests. Now I think I’ll actually give it a chance!