• I feel like this is almost where Apple is ahead of the game. Despite the EU hating it, they’ve been using the same lightning cable design for a long old time because it works well enough, it doesn’t suffer USB-A’s put it in 3 times to figure out which direction is right, and people have a billion of them laying around at this point.

    • Except it’s a proprietary piece of junk stuck on USB 3.1 (and I love my thunderbolt connectors too much to let it slide), that can’t offer proper power delivery because of power pin literally burning out.

      The only thing they did good is fixing the need to check cable orientation before inserting it (yes, you don’t have to try three times, you can just actually use your eyes, USB-A connector’s orientations can easily be told apart just by two square thingies on each of it’s sides).

      But as USB-C came out two years later, it wiped the floor with lightning. Anyone saying otherwise is either insane, didn’t read the specs or purposefully misleading you. And only now Apple is switching over. Freaking 7 years later. Though, not because they realize how inferior their connector is, but because they were made to.