First off, I want to say that I love what the people here are doing but I do have a problem. There is never any conversation about posts. There are tons and tons of links shared but most of the time they’re just articles that someone found interesting. I never see any true, meaningful discussion the way I do on reddit. Does anyone else have a problem with this or am I just shouting at the clouds? Is there anything we can do about it?

  • Third, as has been mentioned here and is often mentioned on new platforms, tech saavy users are usually the first adopters, and they often have a restricted set of interests. This is why we see a lot more activity and discussion in tech and tech-related spaces. More activity in these spaces draws more users who are generally active in these spaces and you get a bit of an echo chamber going on. If we want activity more evenly spread out, we need to collectively prioritize it (try to find non-tech related things to share) as well as spread word of this place to non-techies and be willing to handhold them through the process of learning how to use a website like this.

    seconding this part in specific. a big issue is ultimately that most of the people who post on lemmy period are tech-savvy, and their interests are primarily tech, so non-tech subjects are always at a disadvantage. a big reason i try to post non-tech news on here is to sort of compensate for that; otherwise i think the problem would be even more acute than it currently is