I am currently looking for a way to easily store and run commands, usually syncing files between two deeply nested directories whenever I want.

So far I found these projects:

Other solutions:

  • Bash history using ^+r
  • Bash aliases
  • Bash functions

What do you guys use?

  • Fish shell is great, but the more I’ve used it, the more incompatibilities I’ve found:

    • Can’t use subshells
    • Can’t use bash syntax (it would help if bass would process all commands by default)
    • Can’t use bash completions (there’s a script to do that, but it makes start very slow)

    Other than that, it just works by default (unlike zsh) and it works even better with an easy-to-install Tide

    •  nlm   ( @nlm@beehaw.org ) 
      11 year ago

      Yeah, it has its downsides. zsh with some addons is probably better overall. Or if you’re at least aware of it’s differences from bash and can work with that.