•  roho   ( @roho@lemmy.ml ) 
    1 year ago

    yeah, i conclued similar as what your article says about the writer of the link i provided;

    “There is just no evidence that they make any difference,” the lead author said in a media interview. This brought an unusual chastisement from the Cochrane Library’s editor-in-chief, who stated it was “not an accurate representation of what the review found.”

    if they can’t say with certainty that it does/doesnt’ work based on all the previous studies. i read it as; There’s no firm prove it works against resporatory virusses. That’s why i wouldn’t bet on it like my life depends on it.

    • If the methodology in studies is flawed then it doesn’t actually show much of anything. Nobody is claiming anywhere that masks provide a guarantee against contracting a virus, what they do is reduce the number of viral particles that you inhale and reduce the chances of infection. There is also literally zero downside to wearing a mask, so this is a really weird hill to choose to die on.