Victor Pivovarov got a fine of 40,000 rubles, around €450, as a Russian court considered that one of the priest’s sermons “discredited” the Russian army. But the 86-year old continues to speak out against Putin’s actions. “The thing is, I’ve hated Bolshevism since I was a child” he says. “I saw how the Chekists, the Bolsheviks, abused my mother […] They tortured her. And I made a vow, you could say, to take revenge on Bolshevism for that.”

  •  0x815   ( ) OP
    1 year ago

    “If foreign tanks are there under our windows, it means we are at war with an enemy, an interventionist. But if our tanks are in a neighbouring country, and our soldiers are savagely torturing the people, waging an invasive war, then they are damned. Such a war is cursed both by God and man."