• … do you think that conservative positions don’t impact other people?

      My guy, I can rattle off at least half a dozen conservative bugaboos without which I would be quite literally dead. Don’t give me the “Well, it’s just their opinion!” bullshit.

        • I’m a mentally ill cripple with multiple chronic illnesses and severe social anxiety. I’ve been in spots in my life before where government assistance of multiple kinds has been the difference between life and death. Don’t give me the ‘You’re being dramatic’ bullshit unless you’ve vomited blood to the point of near exsanguination, had to ration life-saving medication, had breakdowns on the side of a freeway, shattered a thigh, went quite literally without food for days for lack of means, etc etc etc etc. In all of those cases, government programs have, at least once and often multiple times, been the difference between life and death for me.

          Go fuck yourself.