•  Artemis   ( @Artemis@beehaw.org ) 
    341 year ago

    It wasn’t enough when they resoundingly voted ‘No’ in a statewide referendum, R’s just do it by other means. Anything to hurt someone who isn’t a white conservative dude.

    • Anything to hurt someone

      This is the crucial point, because the policies Republicans support are observably flawed and don’t work. The country with the lowest abortion rate in the world is The Netherlands, where there’s universal health care, sex education (and not the kind where people get to lie to you), and abortion is legal.

      The cruelty of it is the point.

      • Some further flavor to reinforce this: as I understand it, abortion is legal in the Netherlands until the fetus is viable, which was estimated to be 24 weeks but due to better care for premies IIUC it’s moving toward 22. After this time it is only legal in the case of serious medical problems: eg a risk to the life of the would-be mother, or because the fetus isn’t viable due to a defect. Until this year there was also a 5-day waiting period for abortions; I think that’s no longer legally mandated but the doctor still has input. I believe they also require more medical scrutiny after the first trimester.

        IMHO these are common-sense restrictions, though you could argue about the exact details. Abortion is accessible if you need it, but after a certain point a fetus is close enough to a person that its interests must also be taken into account.

        The official abortion rate in NL is slightly over 1/3 of that in the US. It may or may not actually be the lowest in the world: it’s hard to collect statistics in some places, especially where abortion is discouraged or illegal, or even in places where you would get one with no medical supervision (by pills taken at home).

        The Netherlands also has a low maternal mortality rate, around 1/5th of the US, and also one of the lowest in the world (says CIA world factbook), though I’m not sure how consistent these measurements are across countries.

        The US could achieve these things too, and likely have a lower abortion rate than it can achieve even through draconian restrictions. But it would require proper education and medical care, and that’s not what certain states want… they want the crueler option.

    •  n2burns   ( @n2burns@lemmy.ca ) 
      41 year ago

      I know other states have had referendums, but I don’t remember hearing about Iowa and I can’t find anything about one on the web. Do you have a link or a date or anything?