Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

Bot #001 has identified today as Wed

    • Don’t even need to be fined to be treated like a criminal by them.

      I remember my last run in with them 20 years ago and it seems they haven’t done a thing to change their conduct all those years.

      • Every damn time, they surround me like I’m gonna do a runner. For God’s sake, I’m 70kg soaking wet, I’m neither a flight risk nor a violence one. Meanwhile the methhead up the back of a bus never gets a second look, even though he’s threatened four people today.

        • That’s because you’re less likely to hurt them and also be intimated by them at the same time and likely they get a power trip from intimidating people who can’t fight back.

          Moment they see they can get hurt by someone erratic they go running away like cowards.

        • Yup total criminal here. Like they literally saw me touch on 10 seconds ago, but are all looming and demandy. Oh? Disappointed I have a full fare card and a monthly pass? Poor diddums. This blue hair mean jack squat about what you can assume. And do be remembering to say both Please and Ma’am while you’re at it Arse-ifer 🖕🏻