• No, what we look like is people who’ve tried to give the benefit of the doubt for ages and gotten fucked for it. We’ve run out of benefit to give. Conservatives are actively hurting people in North America (probably elsewhere too) and we see ourselves and our children on the chopping block if we keep giving leeway. So we’ve stopped. You’ll keep seeing more of this until conservatives stop hurting people. This meme is just a funny reflection of that. Maybe it’s even gonna make some gears spin in some people’s heads.

    • Exactly! You cannot support that party and be surprised when you get called a bigot. You’re playing with pigs and you smell like shit, bud. Conservative values eventually turn into hateful ideology 100% of the time. Conservatism requires someone to blame for everything, and they never blame the people actually at fault, they blame minority groups that are easy to attack and exploit.