First off, I want to say that I love what the people here are doing but I do have a problem. There is never any conversation about posts. There are tons and tons of links shared but most of the time they’re just articles that someone found interesting. I never see any true, meaningful discussion the way I do on reddit. Does anyone else have a problem with this or am I just shouting at the clouds? Is there anything we can do about it?

  •  Daryl Sun   ( ) 
    511 months ago

    I’m guilty of not commenting much here on Beehaw, or on Lemmy in general. As a long-time lurker on Reddit, I’ve seen too many examples of pointless arguments in comment threads, with real jerks throwing around fallacies. As someone new on Beehaw, I didn’t want to start any fights in the comments, and so I didn’t reply to any comments to my posts.

    Then I realized that someone had deleted their comment to one of my posts, where they asked a genuine question, and I felt awful for not replying to them sooner.

    I think some of us here have been burned by Reddit, either by reading a long thread full of awful people or by arguing with the wrong person. So we forget that this isn’t Reddit anymore… it’s Beehaw, where the mods do an excellent job of keeping people on topic and keeping jerks out.

    Personally, I’m going to try and reply to commentors more. I apologize if sometimes I think I don’t have anything meaningful to say, so I don’t reply to your comment.