• @w0odl Unfortunately, I can’t. If someone wants to treat the ARRL as the inept perpetrator of our current state I can’t stop them, but I WILL say it’s classic victim-blaming.

    I AM being respectful. I have attacked no one based upon who they are, and the person claiming I was is wrong.I won’t sit around and let people attack the only collective voice we have on false pretense-if that offends you, that’s a YOU problem.

    ARRL is our voice, and a reflection of our commitment to our hobby.

    • “I AM being respectful.”

      It’s just not the case. It’s ok to voice an opinion but we can do so in a manner that doesn’t attack other people, and you did in my opinion.

      “This is why our democracy has come so close to failing-and you’re part of the reason why.

      Yes, I just said that. Think very carefully before you reply”

      That’s a threat.