Proponents boast that 802.11bb is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi and more secure.

  • Radio and light are the same thing from a physics standpoint, just different ranges of electromagnetic spectrum.

    So phones and communication towers are basically flashlights blinking at each other using invisible light, to which walls/buildings and stuff are translucent :)

    Or like x-ray is pretty much a camera flash that can shine through bodies.

    • Buildings and stuff aren’t all that translucent to radio waves. You can’t just point two radios at each other with a building between them and expect them to “see” each other. They can bounce and reflect off them like light would off mirrors and reflective surfaces and even be bent by changes in the atmosphere itself, though.

      A powerful enough radio, though, is kinda like when you can see light shining through your arm if you hold a flashlight to it.

      • That’s why I didn’t use “transparent”. Translucent is exactly what they are though, with wood being more see-through and concrete less so. But a regular concrete wall still lets enough through not to drop most connections.