I’ll go first, I took my mom’s college textbooks which came with discs for a couple distros and failed to install RHEL before managing to get Fedora Core 4 working. The first desktop environment I used was KDE and despite trying out a few others over the years I always come back to plasma. Due to being like 12, I wanted to run my games on it, and man wine was not nearly as easy to use (or as good) as it is nowadays. So I switched back to windows until around 2015 or so when I spent the next few years trying to replace windows as much as I could. Once valve released proton, I switched fully and have t looked back, unless my still there windows partition tries to take over my computer when I restart it at least.
Hands-on work began in the 1990s with a Red Hat derivative for PPC called Yellow Dog Linux. Once finally getting X11 to run correctly, I recall settling on Window Maker as a window manager. At the time, apps associated with the KDE project seemed to have the most cohesive and organized design sensibility.
Leading, of course, to endless distro hopping in search of the one perfect solution.