If you want to use a web browser on reasonable secure way, you could use firejail:
It’s not as powerful as @qubesos but it’s well enough:
Eg.I run @librewolf with firejail using firefox profile:
firejail --x11=xephyr --xephyr-screen=1024x900 --net=wlan0 --seccomp --caps.drop=all --nonewprivs --noroot --profile=/etc/firejail/firefox.profile openbox --startup “librewolf”
Web browsers have some of the most security out of any applications out there. What, specifically, is firejailing going to do?
Also if your goal is security rather than blanket privacy, Chromium browsers are better: https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/firefox-chromium.html
@OsrsNeedsF2P perhaps what I achieve is not spying what I type and where my cursor is.
I will not enter to blame wars. But trusting in a very evil company is a bit ironic (don’t you remember when they scan open wifis with google maps cars?)