• OTOH, I’m tired of people dehumanizing each other, disowning friends and family for their political party affiliation. Most people do not hold the abhorrent views our politicians do and refusing to speak with people who disagree with you is just going to make things worse for everyone. Sure if grandpa can’t shut up for 10 seconds about Q then stop visiting them but most people aren’t like that. You are never going to convince more reasonable people to your side of you dehumanize and refuse to engage with them though.

    Fuck politicians though. They can get fucked. Most people are a lot more reasonable and just want to live their lives in peace.

    • Yeah sorry but no. You don’t get to vote for the politicians and then say “Oh well I don’t believe that but they do”. No if you vote for them you are ok with what they are doing. Every republican is evil for supporting the racism transphobia and homophobia that is being pushed by the GOP. Every single republican voter and politician. They are all guilty of this shit.

      • More like they need to make good with you. My parents didn’t support me being trans but they decided they would rather have me in their life than have an issue with me being trans. And I don’t disown them for voting R. In fact I’ve made them reconsider a lot of their beliefs by treating them like human beings instead of demons.