• Not to sound like a Tankie, but every time Kim Yo Jong opens her mouth, my respect and esteem take another leap forward.

    I do not conceal the fact that very unlucky things will wait for the U.S.

    she said without elaborating.

    She has the brains and confidence we need to overcome western Hegemony.

    • One thing I find interesting about the fediverse is that it is so empty that you can occasionally see honest-to-God pro-NK propaganda. NK lost a quarter of a million people to starvation in the 1990’s and are on a fast track to repeat the past. So glad you have access to the internet. Good for you.

      • Fuck it. I’ll sound like a Tankie. They’re allowed to defend their national sovereignty. If testing weapons that will make threats to that sovereignty think twice is how they do it, then so be it.