• This is probably a ragebait article, but I’m surprised that the ABC published it. I really feel no sympathy for this man, especially since this was not his first conviction. His first conviction, where he escaped the cancellation of his visa, should’ve been the shot across the bow that caused him to clean up his act. But not, he chose to commit again, despite his kids.

    What I’m also surprised by is that a human rights lawyer too up his case. There are far more worthy human rights cases to take up. This guy’s is cut and dry if you ask me. Yes he has a sob story, but it was also predictable, and the law is clear as mud.

    His kids and family are the real losers here. They’re stuck with a deadbeat dad who they won’t be able to send off properly, all because of their dad’s choices.

    • As a big supporter and consumer of Aunty’s content for over three decades now, I have to turn my back. The quality of the writing and the basic proofreading notwithstanding, the editorial choices are now such a turn off.

      The click bait headings that all other news sources discarded back in 2015 are still being used, and the focus on individual, anecdata designed to either rage bait or pull at heartstrings is just plain condescending and manipulative.

      I don’t want to read 50 different articles about a single mum with 8 children and 4 more on the way who’s struggling with childcare costs.

      I don’t want to read about a DINK couple who are struggling with repayments on their investment property.

      There’s real issues at the core of both of these that once would be explored with journalistic vigor, but these Women’s Day style pieces are just infuriating crap.

      Fuck the LNP for their years of cuts and fuck Ita Buttrose.

      The Guardian mobile app is great.

    • Sorry for my rant below, it’s not relevant to what you’ve posted.

      I agree. Seems like we’ve given this guy ample opportunity to make a life here, and to be a good dad. It’s very sad for his family, but yeah he’s got to go.

      • Sorry but he doesn’t have citizenship, so he isn’t Australian. Doesn’t matter if he migrated here when he was 1 day old.

        He hasn’t gotten citizenship, he’s a British citizenship by birth. Whilst in this case I would afford him empathy as he is on his way out, to others in a similar situation…too bad so sad, apply for a visa like every other non Australian or sell your assets and move back.

          • Citizenship is cheap as chips, my partner went through the process in a matter of months once she had met the requirements.

            It was the visas that were expensive especially after the Liberals jacked up the price for a partnership visa.