• It’ll be interesting to see how Rose and Mike play their parts, with what I’m assuming is kid contestants?

    Food master does sound gimmicky, but anything with Ed Gamble is generally a pretty safe bet. I wonder if they’re trying to take on Bake Off.

    • It’ll be interesting to see how Rose and Mike play their parts, with what I’m assuming is kid contestants?

      Yes, I presume that rather than employ professional idiots, they are going to just get a bunch of kids together who are naturals.

      Great casting of the taskmasters.

      Food master does sound gimmicky, but anything with Ed Gamble is generally a pretty safe bet. I wonder if they’re trying to take on Bake Off.

      Yeah, if anyone can make it work it’d be Ed Gamble, so I am waiting and seeing. I hope that rather than taking on other cooking shows, they are going to take them off - the market is large and well-established, plenty of scope for extracting a smidge of urine (as long as it’s not an ingredient).