• me for example. I don’t write regex often enough to be really familar with the cryptic syntax. But I do use them every once in a while and dread the occasion every time. Having a more expressive way to write pattern matching instructions would be really useful to me.

    • But then you’ll have to learn the syntax of this instead.

      I suspect that if you actually start using Melody you won’t find it as helpful as you think you might. Maybe I’m wrong. Let’s see in a year’s time.

        • the way I see it, you seem to need to learn and understand all the same concepts as when using regex in order to write a functional pattern in this. It does not seem to really offer any abstractions really. It’s just regex with a really really verbose syntax. Once you learn the concepts (which you have to anyway) then learning a new syntax should be easy with a simple cheatsheet. The syntax for this actually looks more complicated to me.