• Anything using the terminal… I once tried to do something on Linux because a friend told me it was great. I gave it another go when it came up on my Chromebook and tried to teach myself. I just don’t get it.

      I’m not a programmer at all, so anything that involves typing commands is going to baffle me!

      • One thing i had to learn when i started to understand how big techs really work, of what that would imply (see chat control) and get passionate about free software, free operative systems and freedom of customization is that freedom itself almost always requires work, the question is: is that a work you’re willing to do? for me the answer is a strong YES.

        • Fair.

          But I was just giving my perspective as an outsider who stumbled across this post because messing about with the terminal had the opposite affect on me as someone who appreciates the concept of Linux but doesn’t really have the level of passion to learn programming for it.

    • YES! I fucking hate it. I shouldn’t have to enter code in order to install a program. I want to go to a website and download the software, click install, and have it actually just work.

      I’ve used mint for several years now but it will never be a primary OS die my household because it’s such a hassle to work with.

      •  jaykstah   ( @jaykstah@waveform.social ) 
        1 year ago

        On many popular distros there are graphical apps preinstalled for that. The distribution maintainers have repositories with common packages to make it so that you can open an app store and install programs from one place rather than going to different websites and downloading installers.