Hello! I have changed my PROMPT variable for bash and zsh in the following:

PROMPT="%K{$COLOR_1} %n@%M%F{$COLOR_1}%K{$COLOR_2}$TRIANGLE%F{$COLOR_1} %~%F{$COLOR_2}%K{$COLOR_3}$TRIANGLE%f%k " #%K{#1BA58A}%F{black}$TRIANGLE

and I’m using the Noto Sans Mono fonts, but this happens on other fonts as well.

How can I get rid of the white lines before the triangle? should I use a specific font?

    • I installed FiraCode Nerd Fonts, FiraMono Nerd Fonts and Hack Nerd Fonts from here, and only FiraMono was able to not display that vertical line. I suspect the line is caused by the “Smooth fonts” setting in the profile settings > appearance, because unsetting it hides the line in other fonts (but the fonts looks terrible). thanks for the help!