•  TWeaK   ( @TWeaK@lemm.ee ) 
    1 year ago

    What about all the requests to 3rd party websites?

    From the source article:

    Many third-party services were present as well, as Windows 11 had seemingly important things to say to the likes of Steam, McAfee, and Comscore ScorecardResearch.com, which is a market research effort that “studies and reports on Internet trends and behavior.”

    Many of the Windows 11 initial DNS queries where designed to provide “telemetry” data to market research companies, advertising providers and even geolocation-related domains like geo.prod.do with no permission or web browsing activity needed.

    You seem to be extremely dismissive of the valid concerns the article raises.

    • What about all the requests to 3rd party websites

      I do not have those scorecardresearch requests on a clean install, the person who made that video didn’t do a clean install, he was using the os the laptop shipped out of the box. Whats being judged here is the laptop manufacturer not windows. And the frequency of requests means absolutely nothing, its a useless stat to have, unless you know the data being sent.