The Florida Board of Education approved a new set of standards for teaching African American history in the state.

  • I had a lengthy comment here, and kbin seems to have eaten it.

    So I will summarize in this way:

    This degree of open and shameless revision of history, because an entire party is so terrified to have the unvarnished truth of our nation told, the attempts to bend the educational institutions themselves in support of this revision, and the insistence by so many in that same party that racism and bigotry are bygone problems fills me with a rage that I cannot adequately express.

    When folks try to tell me both parties are the same, this continued attempt to debase black folks and water down their history to make it more palatable for fragile white folks (am white myself) is such an affront that I struggle to react rationally to it.

    I have so much anger over this, and so many other things I’ve seen online in recent years (such as the entire last half of 2020) - I just cannot believe that there are decent people left in the country who vote Republican.