The updated standards say students should learn that enslaved people “developed skills” that “could be applied for their personal benefit,” and that in teaching about mob violence against Black residents instructors should note “acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans.”

  •  Pigeon   ( ) 
    32 years ago

    Are you 1) a christian person upset that I used Jesus as a swear and expressing this through sarcasm or 2) an anti-theist jumping on any opportunity to shit-talk christianity? I suspect #2 but I’m honestly not entirely sure. You know what I meant though, regardless.

    Every day the GOP finds a new low to sink to and becomes more and more a terrifying caricature of itself.

    •  prole   ( ) 
      32 years ago

      I don’t think a person has to be an anti-theist in order to read the parts of the bible that are inconvenient. But I was just making a joke, no need to get upset.