Hello all,

So I thought I would share this here for anyone who may be seeking community. SBT is a virtual Sangha founded by Ven. Tenzin Tarpa, a monk in the Tibetan Gelug tradition, with the distinction of being nominally secular in their approach.

I am a member, though I don’t meet with the group very much because of some baggage attached to my relationship with group practice, even a secular one (I’m an ex-Hare Krishna… suffice to say that damage was done).

Still, I am very much in support of their work, they have daily meditations and weekly classes, if someone here could benefit from that, I thought I would share.

  • This looks interesting. Have to remember to check it out a bit more in depth. I’ve always been interested in Buddhism from a secular perspective. The actual practice seems sound even if one might not be drawn in by the more esoteric parts.