This morning I was forced to ban about 18 users for being obvious spambots. That deleted their content on my instance. Are they now banned on other instances, too? I’m just trying to figure out what the best process is for eliminating these spambots for good before they flood all of our feeds.

  • As far as I understand it, the instance that hosts the user and the content is the only instance that can propagate deletions of the content/user. So if that user’s home instance bans them, then the ban propagates. Otherwise, the ban is only local.

    • So is the right process to report the post? (I’m assuming reports go to the home instance’s community moderator.)

      And if that’s the case, does that mean we need to avoid clicking the checkmark to “resolve” the report on our instance until the remote moderator has done something about the problem?

      • I’m actually not clear on how the reports work, but my assumption is that they go to both the instance you’re reporting from and to the instance that hosts the content. I would also assume that the resolve status is local to each instance so it shouldn’t matter when/if you click the resolve button.

        But these are all assumptions, I don’t actually know how the reports work.