My producers dragged me to see ‘Barbie’ and it was one of the most woke movies have ever seen. My ful review of this flaming garbage heap of a film will be out on my YouTube channel tomorrow at 10am ET.

I normally post news on here but this picture is legit hilarious. Mods feel free to delete if not appropriate 😹

  • What is wrong with this dude? Going to a movie you don’t want to see and taking notes about it so you can complain about it online when you get home. It’s so pathetic I almost feel bad for him.

      • An asshole who primarily courts right-wingers an inch to the left of Neo-Nazis by making them feel logical and superior for denying basic facts about reality, while the mask-off Neo-Nazis repeatedly send death threats to his family because they’re culturally Jewish.

        I don’t pity him. He dug his hole by choice, and it is a very comfy hole in upper-class Los Angeles where he won’t experience the consequences of societal collapse that he encourages poorer right-wingers to spread around. Tough for his kids, I’d imagine, since they’ll be growing up in a world with all those oven-fanatic redcaps crawling out of the woodwork that their dad turned a blind eye to for clout.

        • For what it’s worth, he’s not just culturally Jewish. He’s an actively practicing orthodox Jew. He’s wearing a yarmulka in this photo, and pretty much every photo you’ll see of him.

          There’s a big difference between someone who was born Jewish because their mom is Jewish, and someone who is actively practicing. Not that it excuses the Neo-Nazis and antisemites. But he’s not just culturally Jewish.

    • I remember when he was first becoming “popular” and his whole schtick was “facts don’t care about your feelings” and not wanting to get into “identity politics”, as a reaction to socially progressive movements and “lefties being triggered”… Till he realised he and his whole fan base live for identity politics and care more about their feelings than facts.

      So now, here he is, getting mad at a movie not targeted to him because it triggers his feelings about “patriarchy good, feminism bad”

    • Yep. He would say it was just for a review, but if you already made your mind up that you wouldn’t like it before you went in, it’s not a review. He creates dishonest trash, and that’s what his (extremely stupid) viewers want. They want everything to conform to the beliefs they already hold, and anything that doesn’t is just proof other people are wrong, not them.

    • Dude’s wife is a doctor, his wife, and yet he still thought “wet ass pussy” was referring to a medical condition or something. Dude doesn’t even know how basic female anatomy works. And he’s fucking married. To a doctor.