I dunno if this is more a Lemmy thing, but is it possible to add Ctrl + Enter to submit a comment? (same functionality as most modern websites, reddit, fb, etc.)

I tried to make it myself using a user-script, but couldn’t get it working x__x

https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/467688-beehaw-org-ctrl-enter-to-submit-comment/versions version history, I got Ctrl+Enter working, but ‘current-comment’s-form’ - I can’t rely on using the element ID, and nothing I tried was working…

(edit, ooh, you can edit titles of posts, cool~)

  •  pushka   ( @pushka@beehaw.org ) OP
    311 months ago

    Ah yeah tab to select the submit button and enter to press it, I tried to get a user script to press tab enter when pressing ctrl enter but it wasn’t working 😵