• Ye, the article says it prevents local govts from enforcing hoa-style laws, but didn’t say anything about hoas themselves.

    Idk how those work legally, I luckily don’t have to deal with them.

    • Very important detail there, I didn’t even consider that until y’all said it.

      I’ve got an idea to fix the bad HOA issues if anyone wants to hear me out. It’s a simple, practical solution.

      If an HOA wants to form, it must first get enough residents to hold a fair democratic vote as to whether they should exist at all. The time leading up to the vote would be short, maybe a month, tops. This time would allow the potential HOA to state its case, and what value it intends to provide specifically in writing.

      At any point an audit could be called by majority vote, and any HOA lying about the books, or that can’t prove that it specifically is responsible for raising home values, they would be forced to close down.

      • I’m pretty sure a lot of HOAs are formed by property developers before the first house is sold. Not all of them are specifically to increase property values. Condo HOAs are necessary to maintain the common areas. Some HOAs maintain a pool or communal areas. But yeah, I’ll only live in an HOA community if it’s a condo.