• Having much of my family being republican, I think you are leaving out an important piece of the puzzle - fear.

    Republicans are terrified all the time. Fear of the other, fear that how they grew up and the people they know are being called wrong for what they think and say. It manifests through anger.

    If they can knock you down then you are weak and wrong and they are justified in doing it.

    • I can second this. Every time my parents have expressed a political view, it came from some shock-news spin of how America was a murderous wasteland on the brink of disaster (not because there are more guns than people, but because of all the non-white people who live here).

      When I told my parents I was going to New Orleans for a weekend vacation, they were terrified I would get murdered because they had been barraged with news about it being a lawless Democrat-run warren. (Not to downplay the actual violence that has taken place in NO, but their response still made it clear they had seen some first-class fearmongering).