Is it still safe to use as long as apps continue to be updated and is supported by the play store?

How long would you say someone could safely use an Android phone that no longer gets security updates for?

  • “Your” phone belongs to some overseas crime ring and they’re letting you borrow it. That’s how insecure it is.

    Doesn’t even matter if you install apps or not. Plenty of RCE vulnerabilities crop up that require zero user intervention to exploit.

    • True that many potential RCEs are found, but I think there are a few points to keep in mind.

      • RCE classification is often conservatively assumed when it is theoretically possible even if it is not been demonstrated. Android bulletins appear to assume any memory corruption could be an RCE.
      • Remote code is no longer sufficient for privileged control. Next, you have to use it to break out of a restrictive sandbox for whatever service or application you have compromised.