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  • I finished both Hyperion and Golden Son a couple of days ago.

    I’m kind of disappointed with Hyperion… It was compelling, and the world building was incredible, but the whole book just ends without resolving anything. It was all just lead up to where some resolution should happen and it just abruptly ends. I’m going to have to read the next book just to see where the first book was supposed to go…

    Golden Son is the second book to Red Rising. The first book was good, but this one was incredible! I’m definitely hooked on the story now, and invested in where it leads.

    Currently reading Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky and Morning Star by Pierce Brown.
    Both are scifi - Morning Star is the 3rd book in the Red Rising series - I can’t recommend this series enough!

    I’m only about 20% into either of them, will report back.

    • Same happened to me with Hyperion, did read the second one, was not satisfied.

      Children of time is very good, I have the second part in my backlog.

      Currently reading The Earthsea Quarter by Ursula Le Guin, finished the first book, I like it a lot. I like how they handle magic and names.

      Will check your recommended books :)

      • I have a special place in my heart for Ursula LeGuin - The Wizard of Earthsea was one of my favorite books as a kid. This series was sort of my first jump from goosebumps and other RL Stine novellas to young adult fantasy.

        I was more than a little sad when my son didn’t enjoy it as much as me. :'(