My personal favorites are steampunk, coming of age, and alternate history. How about you?

  • Post-post apocalypse. The world ended so long ago that a new one has grown Amongst it’s ruins.

    Examples: Planet of The Apes, Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind (I think Castle In The Sky counts here as well), Horizon Zero Dawn, Adventure Time, The Obsidian/Interplay Fallout Games (debateable), Certain Legend of Zelda games, etc.

    • Same! I love the idea that civilization has fallen, but people moved on and started new ones, and all that remains of the old world is ruins and myths. It’s like somber and hopeful at the same time.

      It’s also cool seeing stuff we recognise from another perspective. Horizon Zero Dawn and Mortal Engines do this, and I guess Mistborn also kinda does?

    • Fallout 2 and New Vegas are certainly “post-post apocalypse” but in a different sense than the rest of your list.

      Those games have new civilizations forming, but the pre-war world is not a lost mythical mystery to them. Contrasting to the rest of the list where the civilizations in it don’t have solid a conception of the past.